fatnomore.net                Recipes & Tips for Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover Program  

Creative Cooking & Recipes  

128 Family friendly recipes for    
Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body    
Makeover Weight Loss Program    

Now you can use the recipes in    
this cookbook to lose up to 34    
pounds in 6 weeks just like I did    

Click here to read my story    

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··· Tips, Tools & Guides  ···





······ My Story ······

Read my story and why I felt this cookbook would make it easier for others to lose weight on the 6 Week Body Makeover.


······ BMI Calculator ······

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems.

Enter Weight:   lbs.

Enter Height:   Ft. In.

Body Mass Index  

According to the Panel on Energy, Obesity, and Body Weight Standards published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, your category is:


BMI is only one measure of your health. Body fat percentage, blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol and other measurements are at least as important as BMI. Always consult with your physician for a complete and accurate picture of your health.


······ Free Recipes ······

Try 3 recipes from the cookbook absolutely free:

Chicken in Green Sauce Chicken cooked in a homemade green tomatillo sauce. Delicioso!

Chicken with Paprika and Potatoes An all-in-one meal. What could be easier?

Crispy Potato Slices This recipe satisfies my craving for fried potatoes. I love potatoes!

Plus get your free bonus of 30 summer lemonade recipes.

······ We Recommend ······


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